Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Man For All Seasons By Sir Thomas More Essays -

A Man For All Seasons By Sir Thomas More Man For All Seasons Essay In the play, A Man For All Seasons, Sir Thomas More is faced with a number of difficult choices, namely whether to support the King's decision to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn and the consequences of that decision. More makes his decision to oppose the marriage early on, but even though it is something he does not waver from, he still has trouble with it, especially when he see the pain it causes to his wife and family. More's antagonists are somewhat obvious, Cromwell, Rich, and to an extent, Norfolk and even his wife, Alice. Cromwell represents the basic evilness and threatens to have More executed for not acquiescing to the marriage, while Rich and Norfolk are representative of the betrayal of Sir Thomas, by giving in to Cromwell and to an extent the King. Lady Alice is an antagonist in the play because of the violent opposition she has for Sir Thomas' decision. Alice is afraid of what may happen to her after Sir Thomas resigns the Chancellorship and what may befall her and her family. Alice's complaints probably have the most impact with More because he does care very deeply about them and might have even caved in to the King, had he not felt that he was correct in his decision and that there was no alternative. More has a very difficult decision in opposing the King and his family, but regardless of the consequences, he feels that he is morally correct and that to choose any other path would be impossible for he could not oppose the Church and God. English Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tolkien essays

Tolkien essays Mabel and Arthur Tolkien were residents of Dloemfantein, South Africa. On January 3, 1892, Mabel and Arthur had a son. His name was John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. On February 17, 1894, Mabel had another boy, Hilary Arthur Reuel Tolkien. In April of 1895, Mabel Tolkien and her two boys took a ship to Birmingham, England to live with family and friends. They moved because the boys did not like the heat in South Africa. Several months later Mabel got a letter saying that Arthur was sick. Arthur died a few days after Mabel received the letter. Mabel had to move to the countryside because she couldnt afford a house without Arthurs income. One year after Ronald moved to the country, he was accepted to the King Edwards School, the best grammar school in England. Ronald got off to a slow start. He was not used to the hustle of the crowded classrooms. When Ronald was ten, Mabel enrolled him in St. Phillips School because of her decision to convert to Catholic, and also because Ronald had to leave King Edwards. In 1903 Ronald was accepted back into King Edwards. Later both Ronald and Hillary got the measles. While nursing the two children back to health, Mabel got sick and died. Hillary and Ronald went to live with their Aunt Bea. She showed little affection for the two. Ronald showed much interest in Latin and Greek languages. When he was sixteen, he entered the senior class at King Edwards. Ronald spent many hours studying Latin and Greek. Tolkien even invented a new language called Animalic made from animal names. Roanld also enjoyed Old English poems. Ronald also studied Middle English, Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Spanish and German. In 1909 he took the Oxford test. A day later he received a notice that he would not receive a cash grant which would have enabled him to attend a university, but he could apply again the next year. In 1910 Ronald took the Oxford test ag...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Healthcare Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Healthcare Marketing - Research Paper Example There are some success factors that when considered will lead to success, the kind of success that leads to happy healthcare consumers, happy healthcare marketers and even happy providers. Regardless of the market, innovation is a major part of healthcare marketing. Healthcare providers need to know that the healthcare market is a very divergent market with needs being as many as the number of customers in the market. Each individual, each family, each community has different needs from those of the next person, next family and the neighboring community. Unlike other businesses such as manufacturing businesses that can manufacture just a small range of products which will then serve the entire community, healthcare providers have to deal products that serve individual unique needs of the customer and be able to satisfy each person. Buying healthcare is not like buying piece of manufactured product. The healthcare needs of each individual are almost as unique as their DNA and for such an individual to be satisfied, he or she must get a healthcare product that serves these needs. What is useful for one person does not work for the next person. The problem in this case is to make sure that these individuals are served while the providers are able to make sustainable profits. This conflict between meeting the individual healthcare needs of every individual and the cost of meeting these individual needs is what requires innovative products.